Apostles and Evangelists

Introduction: Apostles – “The Twelve Holy Messengers (15.6)

Represented in their entirety: Last Supper, Ascension, Pentecost and Death of the Virgin Mary, Mary Ascension and Last Judgement.
Generally, the designation apostle is applied to the disciples only after Pentecost. Prior thereto they are known as disciples.  However, Luke 6,13 states: "…And of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles”.  Initially are named the brothers Andrew and Peter, and the sons of Zebedee, Jacob and John as followers of Jesus Christ after John the Baptist, Christ’s baptiser.  There follow Philip and Nathaniel (Bartholomew).  They leave their ships, their nets, and their fathers to follow him. Already during Christ’s lifetime the twelve are called and sent out to preach and to heal.  Matthew also refers to them as "pigeons"....
 "Behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves” (Luke 10.3 and Matthew 10.16). Then, shortly before Ascension Day, He whom God has raised up earnestly exhorts unto all - in no exact detail – the message and mission to baptize (Matthew 28.19, Mark 16.15 and Luke 24.47). In the not always entirely corresponding representation sequences, Peter is always placed first.  After Pentecost Matthew, selected by Peter by means of a draw, is added to the group instead of Judas Iscariot.  Paul (the people’s apostle, his calling …“Damascus experience”) is usually placed second.  Matthew remains, as well as Barnaby.  Quite often, Mark and Luke are also portrayed among the twelve, so that finally all the evangelists are represented.   

Do YOU recall the gospel of glad tidings?

It sufficed to touch the hem of my garment in order to be cured!
You - You partake of me, you possess me completely.  What a force that is able to heal you, to change You, to convert you instantaneously!
Only twelve apostles in all have I appointed to convert the world … to teach.
Nevertheless, you will remember who I am: I am the light of the world, the way, the truth and the life … and you are the salt of the earth …!”

 Click on the icons for larger picture representation and a description of the icons.