Apostle Matthew

Apostle Matthew (Matthieu, Mace, Matteo)

24th February
He is the only apostle north of the Alps.  After Christ’s ascension, Peter and the 11 other apostles assign him to take the place of Judas Ischariot, as the so-called “twelfth messenger”.  According to several legends, he carries out his work in Judaea and dies the martyr’s death there.  Some legends say he fell asleep peacefully, others say he was crucified and is buried in Rome in Santa Maria Maggiore.  His remains are said to have been later transferred to Trier (Germany). He has seldom been portrayed, because pictures of the legends do not exist.   As a rule, he is included in the group of apostles at Pentecost, Death of the Virgin Mary, Maria Ascension and Departure of the Apostles. Often, the apostle Paul takes his place.  Apart from Bible or scroll, he is often depicted with his insignia hatchet, halberd or sword and, in addition, a cross.  The third type of legend shows him with stones at his feet.