Prophet Deborah

(Time of the Judges - Colonization to shortly before the time of the Kings 1200-1000 BC)
 Old Testament, Judges Chapters 4 + 5.

It took centuries before the newly-won homeland of the Israelites was to find peace.  Enough enemies remained within the country and more arrived at its borders.  Among the people of Israel themselves, belief and tradition were so weak that for a long time there was no ordered community, still less an appointed ruler who would rise to the spearhead of the nation and found a lasting kingdom.  It was therefore separate individuals – we know not much more of the fifteen judges than their names – which rose to distinction.  During these wild times, a woman stepped out to the forefront of the people and accomplished feats worthy of those men who gave the times their name.  
DEBORAH, wife of Lapidot, was a prophetess as all were called during those times who acted as if by divine instruction.   Under a palm tree between Ramah and Bethel on Mount Ephraim, it was later said, she administered justice to all who came to her.  Like a mother of Israel she took care of the oppressed.  In the battle against the Canaanites she became the rescuer of Israel, inspiring trust in God’s salvation.  Thus the first success of the times of the judges was brought about by a woman.  This makes it even clearer to us - even unto the present day – that not the power of man but the power of God cleared the way for the Israelites from darkness into light.