
The holy and miracle-working Mother of God Icon from the city of Smolensk

The Mother of God of Smolensk, the archetype of the miracle-working Mother of God of Smolensk, is said to have been painted by Luke the Evangelist, who was a painter after the tradition of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Byzantine princess Anna brought the shrine to Chernigov.  Then in 1101 or 1103 it came to Smolensk and henceforth carried the name Smolenskaia. The Mother of God of Smolensk belongs to the severe type of the Hodigitria (Guide to the Way) which originated in Constantinople.  The severity here has been softened somewhat due to the fact that the Mother of God is not portrayed sitting frontally to the viewer, but is bending slightly towards Jesus.  She is almost always portrayed pointing towards Emmanuel: " That which he will tell you, that you must do”.