The one, united, Church of Jesus Christ, founded in the name of the Son of
the one living God, is made up of two parts that merge into one another - a heavenly and an earthly part.  Part  of the heavenly is represented at the Icon Centre:
1. The core of the iconstasis, the plan, the connecting link that is unity and represents Jesus Christ - in the centre.
2. The iconostasis divides nothing!  It is our connecting link to the heavenly part's presence.

3. The iconostasis is nourished by the vitality of the liturgy.  It dissolves the boundaries between heaven and earth. 
4. The iconostasis safeguards for us the communion table, where the mystery of the eucharist takes place.
5. The iconostasis is also the place from which the icon has come to us, at
Pentecost already in Jerusalem, to sanctify our life. 

Example of a magnificent iconstasis in an American church.