Berneuchener Haus Kloster Kirchberg
72172 Sulz
Tel. 07454/883-0  -  Fax 07454/883-250

In this course,the centuries-old techniqueof icon paintingineggtemperaon plasteris mediatedprimedwoodpanels.

All operations, fromsketchto completionofgildingof the iconwill beshownstepby step.

In drawing upthehandsand faces of thesaintshelpedactively.

Course days:Friday -Sunday, 30/09clock-18.00clock,clockBreak 13.00-14.00clock.

Information and registration: Damir Horvat,



For parishes and religious, monastic institutions


We - Jesus Christ the Pantocrator and the Virgin Mary, saints, apostles, prophets ... come to you:

Here are some important information:

1st The exhibition is supported by us - together - brought and collected. It comprises about 30 - 50 icons - icons of our cross-section in the House of Icons: The main building blocks of the Christian Church (AT - NT).

The majority of the exhibits are original and some very good reproductions - icons of Western Europe connotative iconographer Alexei Saveliev (born  in 1920 in Kiev, reinforced Traben-Trarbach/Zell 1996 - byzant technique of 5th -. 9.Jhd -. Novgorod painter Manual , 11th-15th century.)

Theme of the ICONS EXHIBITION - own ideas - Proposal Wins:

a) All eyes - very light - no shine

b) Faith - Love - Hope

c) Icons window to heaven on earth ...

We will provide you information on the iconography, the iconographers -  iconic prints, calendars - cards - Icons CD available .... at wholesale  prices .... own revenue is thus possible.

Introduction, lecture on the subject possible - if desired!

2nd Cost: Exhibition - Directions - Home Shopping - Pick up depending on distance: By appointment only between 100 € to 450 €

3rd Insurance for the exhibition period of three to max. eight weeks: the value of icons as "prototypes" - not obtainable again - is  set very low - who is already on-on - rob saints ...?! - Provided that adequate supervision-dimensionality is all about an  insurance company in terms of damage: total value of only about 30 000  € !

For more information: -

House of icons Mittelstrasse 8, 556 841 Traben-Trarbach - phone: 06541/812 408



We thank you for your interest in advance - but that a "wonderful thing,  and more on ...": Everything is God's blessing would be handy!


Icon Painting Course

for beginners and advanced students in Traben-Trarbach
                on 1 Advent weekend,                  30.11.2012 -02.12.2012 Registration / Information:DamirHorvat,06192/25 626